Winston Churchill said it best: “Never waste a good crisis.”
Crises often reveal deep-rooted issues like fear, resentment, and grief. The problem? We focus too much on what happened — pointing fingers and fueling distractions — rather than asking why.
Why did this happen? Why now? Why here?
Managing conflict is a lot like untangling a ball of string. At first glance, it’s overwhelming—a chaotic mess that seems impossible to fix. But with patience, curiosity, and care, you can begin to loosen the knots, one at a time. The process might be slow, but as the tangles unravel, clarity emerges, and the string becomes useful again.
The same goes for teams in conflict. By understanding the “why,” we gain clarity, take ownership, and find real solutions. A crisis, though uncomfortable, is a chance to pause, reflect, and build something better.
At The Huddle, we help teams turn conflict into connection—listening, reflecting, and creating a shared vision for the future. Crisis is inevitable. Positive change can be too.
Let’s not waste the opportunity. 💡
#Conflictmanagement #CrisisManagement #Teamwork #Leadership #GrowthOpportunity #UntangleTheKnots #Communication
